Why am I starting a book blog?

I am an avid reader. I've loved to read since I was a little girl and try to pass that love of reading to others. When I finish a book and love it, I tell everyone I know about it. Then I thought why not have a blog of all the books I read and rate them as I go. Then I can give my blog address out to everyone I know. I hope you come along for the ride. I'm sure we won't always agree on what we like but I hope maybe I can save some people time on what to read. Feel free to write comments after I blog, I would love to hear what you thought of the book. Happy reading!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Amethyst Heart by Penelope J Stokes

One of my customers recommended this book to me and let me borrow her copy. It's starts out with 93 year old Amethyst finding out her only son Conrad what's her to move out of her house called Noble House. She then goes on to tell her rebellious 17 year old great granddaughter Little Am the story of the house dating back to 1853. She's hoping to pass on the family legacy to someone... is it too late for Little Am? At times the story could be a little predictable but overall a good read. I liked how she included actual events through the book. The main character Amethyst was smart, opinionated and very likable. Overall a good read, kept my attention and curious to see how it was all going to come together.

Rating : B

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