Why am I starting a book blog?

I am an avid reader. I've loved to read since I was a little girl and try to pass that love of reading to others. When I finish a book and love it, I tell everyone I know about it. Then I thought why not have a blog of all the books I read and rate them as I go. Then I can give my blog address out to everyone I know. I hope you come along for the ride. I'm sure we won't always agree on what we like but I hope maybe I can save some people time on what to read. Feel free to write comments after I blog, I would love to hear what you thought of the book. Happy reading!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

This book was recommended to me by one of my customers at the bank. I've had it on my list for a while and am so glad I read it. This book is told by a dog Enzo, who loves his master Denny, his wife Eve and their little girl Zoe. He tells about their life, Denny's love of racing and some hard struggles in this family. Enzo does all a dog can do to help Denny and Zoe cope with the diffcult times in their life. I loved Enzo and it made me want a dog just like him. I have many friends who have dogs and it made me think of each of their dogs, wondering do they think like Enzo. I highly recommend this book. It's an easy read, full of sweet descriptions and how one should never give up hope.

Rating: A


  1. My mom just read this book and called me the other day to tell me to get it and read it. She said it was a wonderful book. Adding it to my list to get.

  2. Ok read the book. Got teary in the first few pages, was an interesting read through out & then BAM! page 320 brought out the water works. Would love to discuss with you. Maybe next book club we can chat. =)
