Why am I starting a book blog?

I am an avid reader. I've loved to read since I was a little girl and try to pass that love of reading to others. When I finish a book and love it, I tell everyone I know about it. Then I thought why not have a blog of all the books I read and rate them as I go. Then I can give my blog address out to everyone I know. I hope you come along for the ride. I'm sure we won't always agree on what we like but I hope maybe I can save some people time on what to read. Feel free to write comments after I blog, I would love to hear what you thought of the book. Happy reading!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Comfort Food by Kate Jacobs

The book is about Gus who just turned 50 and has a cooking show. Her show may not be renewed so the network decides to put a new twist on her show to increase ratings by adding a cohost diva. Luckily she has the help of her two daughters, who each of problems of their own, her neighbor and the new producer who turns into a love interest. I was disappointed with the book, it just didn't hold my attention as much I would have liked. I almost found her two daughters a little annoying, one is just always kind of grumpy and the other has issues with commitment. I didn't really feel the love interest with Oliver the producer, it seemed almost too quick. Of course the book ended happily. I have to say I enjoyed her other book The Friday Night knitting club a lot better. So glad I got this at the library and hadn't spent my own money.

Rating: C-

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