Why am I starting a book blog?

I am an avid reader. I've loved to read since I was a little girl and try to pass that love of reading to others. When I finish a book and love it, I tell everyone I know about it. Then I thought why not have a blog of all the books I read and rate them as I go. Then I can give my blog address out to everyone I know. I hope you come along for the ride. I'm sure we won't always agree on what we like but I hope maybe I can save some people time on what to read. Feel free to write comments after I blog, I would love to hear what you thought of the book. Happy reading!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Molokai by Alan Brennert

This was our book club pick for next month. It takes place in 1890's and is about a leper colony. Rachel is only 7 years old when she finds out she has leporsy and is sent to live on Molokai, leaving her family and life behind. On the island she makes new friends and deals with her disease. I don't think I would have necessarily pick up this book if it hadn't been a selection for our book club. I liked the characters and getting to know the town. I felt terrible for Rachel having to leave at such a young age but glad that she had her uncle on the island and made a whole new family. At times the book could be sad but interesting to learn something I didn't really know much about.

Rating: B-

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